Volume 4 - Issue 12**

Rainfall Prediction Using Fuzzy Logic[Download]
Zhifka Muka, Elda Maraj, Shkelqim Kuka

References Of Activities Injected Into Adults In Spect And Pet Imaging In Europe And Particularly In France[Download]
Bathily Eal, Diop O, Ndong B, Djigo Ms, Badiane Sm, Kokou A, Diop Sow W, Gueye K, Senghor Rs, Mbaye G, Diouf Lad, Soumboundou M, Djiboune Ar,Sy Pm, Mbodj M,Ndoye O, Diarra M, Seck-Gassama S, Durand Emmanuel

Geological Setting Of The New Discovering Gadir Low Sulfidation Epithermal Deposit, Gedabek Ore District, Lesser Caucasus, Azerbaijan[Download]
Aydin Bayramov

Analytical Approximate Solutions For Oscillators With Fractional Order Restoring Force And Relativistic Oscillators[Download]
Dang Van Hieu, Ninh Quang Hai, Duong The Hung

Evaluation Of Different Factors On Dyeing Of Polyester And Cotton Blend Processing Using Pigment Produced By Aspergillus Nidullans[Download]
S.A. Rashed , Hanaa. Y. Ahmed , M.A. Elbadry

A Study Of Drinking Water Quality For Rural Water Supply In Remote Area[Download]
Roslan Mohamed1, Mohd Fadhil M.D2

Preliminary Phytochemical Screening Of Aqueous Extracts Of Tinospora Cordifolia Leaves And Stem[Download]
Nandakumari Kamble*, Puranik. D.B., Salooja M.K.

Transient Stability Analysis With Svc And Statcom For Four Machine Two Area Test System With And Without Pss Using Matlab/Simulink[Download]
G. B. Jadhav, Dr. C. B. Bangal, Dr. Sanjeet Kanungo

Determinants Of Income Improvement Demand Of Poor Women In Tra Cu District, Tra Vinh Province, Vietnam[Download]
Nguyen Van Vu An, Vuong Quoc Duy

Strengthening Ims Accountability Through Functional Leadership[Download]
Abhishek Kaushik

Structural And Material Analysis Of Acousto-Optic Sensing Mandrel Using Fea Technique For Higher Sensitivity[Download]
Mr.Prashil Manohar Junghare , Dr.Sibaram Khara

Solving Aggregate Planning Problem Using LINGO[Download]
Anand Jayakumar A, Krishnaraj C, Balakrishnan S

Enzybiotics: Emerging Alternative To Biocontrol[Download]
Uzoechi A.U, Njoku-Obi T.N, Nnagbo P.A, Obasi C.C

Graphical Analysis Of Bottle Cap Feeding In A Vibratory Bowl Feeder[Download]
Manik Kapoor, Tivish Allabadi, Umang Singhal, Pradeep Khanna

New Lorentz Field Dependent Lorentz Transformation Due To Photon Direction Change[Download]
1Elnabgha Mohamed Nageeb Mohamed Ali, 2Mubarak Dirar Abdallah, 3Sawsan Ahmed Elhouri Ahmed, 4Fatma Medani & 5Ahmed Elfaki

Muqarnas Form Efficiency In Diffusing Sound Waves Within The Space[Download]
Dr. Hanan M. Al Jumaily

The Kramers-Kronig Relations: Validation Via Calculation Technique[Download]
Myroslav I. Kozak, V. N. Zhikharev, P. P. Puga, And V. Yu. Loya

Comparative Study On Compressive Strength Behaviour Of Normal Concrete And Self Compacting Concrete Exposed To Elevated Temperature[Download]
Ch Geetha, P Hanmandlu, N Monica Madhuri

Effect Of Electrolyte On The Supercapacitor Behaviour Of Cuo Nanostructures[Download]
R. Suresh, K. Tamilarasan, D. Senthil Vadivu

Improving The Quality Of Coffee Shop Service With The Implementation Of Quality Function Deployment Case Study : Design Xyz Coffee Shop[Download]
Humiras Hardi Purba1, Sylvester Eka Jemali1 Dody Saptadi Nasuka1 And Moh. Ayip Fathani1

Power System Based On Wind Renewable Energy In Remote Locations[Download]
Ahmad Sarosh Siddiqui, Prof. Prabhodhkumar Khampariya

Research On Software Security Testing Process For Development[Download]
Li Zhen, Zhang Yong

Elimination Of Harmonics Using Hybrid Active Power Filter In 3-Phase System Using Pq Theory[Download]
Anuj Sharma, Roshan Nayak, Anupam Masih

Effect Of Cocoa Pods Storage On The Temperature And Physicochemical Changes During Shallow Box Fermentation[Download]
Khairul Bariah, S, Fazilah, A., Tajul A. Y.

Multimodal Biometric System Advantages Over Unimodal Biometric System Authentication Technology[Download]
Shital Baghel, Thaneshwar Kumar Sahu,Dr.Kshitiz Varma

An Efficient FAST Clustering-Based Algorithm for Easy Searching[Download]
N. Shweta, Dr. B. Prajna

Comprehensive Management For Wilt Disease Caused By Fusarium Oxysporum In Tomato Plant[Download]
Mohamed S. Attia, Ahmed M. Younis, Ayman F. Ahmed And Amer M. Abd Elaziz

Properties of Rare – Earth at High Temperature[Download]
V.P. Srivastava