Volume 5 - Issue 1
Analysis Of Annular Palte By Using Numerical Method[Download]
Anand C Mattikalli, Dr. Rajashekar V. Kurahatti
The Influence of Service Operations Management on the Organizational Performance of Insurance Company in the Kingdom of Bahrain[Download]
Andres Alegre Regondola
Implementation Of 5G Using Ofdm And Fbmc (Filter Bank Multicarrier) /Oqam (Offset Quadrature Amplitude Modulation)[Download]
Swapnil Patil, Prof. Shruti Patil, Dr. Uttam Kolekar
Attitude Towards Teaching, Efficacy Of In-Service Training Programmes And Performance Of Teachers At The Secondary Level[Download]
Dr. S. Chamundeswari
Evolution Of Stars By Kinetic Theory And Quantum Physics On The Basis Generalized Special Relativity[Download]
Mohammed Saeed Dawood Aamir,Mubarak Dirar Abdallah, Sawsan Ahmed Elhouri Ahmed
Generation Of Elementary Particles Inside Black Holes At Planck Time[Download]
Mohammed Saeed Dawood Aamir,Mubarak Dirar Abdallah, Ibrahim Hassan Hassan, Sawsan Ahmed Elhouri Ahmed
An Approach To Bipolar Vague Group And Its Properties[Download]
S. Cicily Flora, I. Arockiarani, Ganeshsree Selvachandran
Age Related Co-Infection Of Malaria, Bacteremia And Intestinal Parasites In Primary School Children In Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria.[Download]
Ezenwa C.M, Ukaga C.N, Emukah E, Nnagbo P.A, Obasi C.C, Nwachukwu I,O, Uzoechi A.U, Nwabueze O.O
Valorization of secondary treated wastewater in Trigonella foenum-graecum L. irrigation[Download]
Nidhal Marzougui, Monia Trad-Rais, Ferdaous Guasmi, Marwa Oukhay, Saloua Rejeb
Design and Construction of an Automated Energy Management and Data logging system for PCM based Solar Walls[Download]
Januario Mendes, Hakeem Ayornu, Lucas Wolf, Sohail Anwar
Conscious Interfaces: A Shared Responsibility[Download]
Emiliano RamÃrez-Laureano, Ana Lilia Laureano-Cruces, Yoel Ledo-Mezquita, Claudia Flores-Mendoza
Energy Calculation for Rotational Excited States Even-Even Nuclei in Lanthanide and Actinide Series[Download]
Biniyam Nigussie Edae, Chaubey A. K.
Isolation and Molecular Identification ofFusariumSpecies from Some Cereal Grains and Their Products in Egypt[Download]
Samia El-Rabbat, Osman El-Maghraby, Samah El-Debaiky, Ashraf Haider