Volume 6 - Issue 11**

Bakassi Peninsula Debacle: A Critical Analysis Of The Icj Verdict On The Issue, And Why Nigeria Lost Bakassi Peninsula To Cameroon.[Download]
Akonye Enyioma Joseph, Nwapi, Raymond Ogedi

Applied Stochastic System State Modeling And Forecasting Under Uncertainty[Download]
Angel Tanev

Homelessness And Associated Risk Factors For Patients With Tuberculosis[Download]
Lesnic Evelina, Todoriko Liliia, Malic Alina, Osipov T?tiana,Shevchenko Olga, Semianiv Ihor, Yeremenchuk Inga, Makoyda Iryna

Designing Of Thyristor Based Cycloconverter To Control Induction Motor[Download]
Kshitij Kumar1,Laxmi Narain Sharma2,Arshit Naggarwal3 ,Hitesh Sharma4,Mithlesh Mahato5, Harpreet Kaur Channi6

Innovation In Aquaculture: Replacement Of Bottom Dweller Fish By Fresh Water Prawn[Download]
Vinayak V. Parab & Dilip V. Nakhwa

Hybrid Manufacturing Machine[Download]
Hamoud, M., Gaber, A., Mohamed, A., Essam, I., Mohamed, I., Mustafa, I., Emad, M., Atef, M., Hamdy, M.

Pricing Variables And Consumers’ Perception Of Electricity Distribution Companies Performance In Nigeria.[Download]
Mbum, Patrick Awok

The effect of disc brake pads conditions on brake performance[Download]
Saad A Ahmad, Khaled Alrefaei, Yousef Ali Mulla , Yousef Alhouli

Flame and Smoke detection in Surveillance Videos[Download]
Rinky Dwivedi

Women domestic workers in Bangalore city- A Sociological study[Download]
C. Somashekher, Mangalamma K. M.

Aqua Fishing Monitoring System Using IoT Devices[Download]
Md. Monirul Islam, Mohammod Abul Kashem , Farzana Islam Jui

Modelling and Mapping The Average of Incidence Rate Diarrhea Among Toddlers in Bandung City in 2013-2018 Using Geographically Weighted Regression[Download]
Anis Khoirunnisa, I Gede Nyoman Mindra Jaya

Modeling and experiment of the Wave Generated by an Oscillating Wedge-shaped[Download]
Ha Phuong, Quoc Thanh Truong, Doan Son Tran

An Inclusive Physical Education: Teachers’ Attitude and Competence in Planning the Lesson[Download]
Tomoliyus, Sumaryanti, Japhet Ndayisenga

A study on the impact of spirality on various knitted fabrics[Download]
P Ramasubramaniam, Chezliyan N L

The Benefit of Polystyrene (Ps) Waste for Production of Lightweight Concrete and for Environmental Protection[Download]
E. A. Basha1, Elaf M. M, Abdullah E. Basha

Quality Attributes of Pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata) Pulp Based Sheets Prepared of Different Fruits Mixtures[Download]
Mamoun Omer Abdelgadir, Wedyan Mahgob Moahammed Ahmed, Soha Abdalmonem Alsiddig

Chemical Bonding Composition and Humidity Sensing Properties of a-CNx Thin Films by Low-Temperature rf-PECVD Technique[Download]
Rozidawati Awang and Siti Aisyah Abd Aziz

Internet of Things (IOT) – What, Why, How, Present & Its Challenges[Download]
Dr. S. Dhinakaran

Improving the Smart Distribution Grid[Download]
Dr S N Saxena

Recent Technologies Adopted for Upgradation of Existing Sewage Treatment Plants and for Sewage Reuse and Recycle in Surat, India[Download]
Nimeshchandra V. Vashi, Navinchandra C. Shah, Kishor R. Desai

Assessment and Benchmark of the performance of the Moroccan industrial ecosystem and those of emerging countries[Download]
Asmaa Khamlach, Abdellah Haddout and Mariam Benhadou

Dielectric Materials: Innovations and Applications[Download]
V.P. Srivastava