Volume 6 - Issue 3**

Four-Phased Security Model For Webbased Banking System[Download]
Samuel O. Okide, Nnenna S. Nnam

An Approach of Neural Networks to Apprehending of Gurmukhi character style[Download]
Gaurav Agnihotri

Comparative Study of Regeneration of Used Lubricating Oil Using Sulphuric and Oxalic Acids/Clay Treatment Process[Download]
M. U. Dabai, N. Bello

Uses of Virtual Labs and Different Areas of Virtual Labs in India[Download]
Dr. Geetanjali Amarawat, Mr. Hanuman

ICT Training For Faculty Development In Diet Ganderbal, J&K[Download]
Urfana Amin Moharken

Experimental Investigation On Mechanical Properties Of Concrete With Sludge Waste And Silica Fume[Download]
V Ravi Sankar, J Umanambi

Study Of The Concepts And Challenges Of Ambient Intelligence (Ami)[Download]
Dr. Geetanjali Amarawat, Vaghela Falguni Vinodbhai

Multivariate Model Based Clustering With Spatial Constrain: Spatial Clustering Of Dengue Disease In Bogor, Indonesia[Download]
I Gede Nyoman Mindra Jaya, Bertho Tantular, Budi Nurani Ruchjana

The Competitiveness Of Garment Exportation Of Vietnam: A Case Study[Download]
Nguyen Thi Minh Anh, Kieu Thi Minh Thu

Inhibition Of Limestone (Caco3) Concentrated Rich Water Effects On Zinc Sheets Using Crude Alkaloids And Non Alkaloids Extracts Of Nepeta Cataria (Catnip) Plant[Download]
Benedict Ugi, Mbang Obeten

The Conceptual Paper On Factors Influence Compliance Behavior Among Business Zakat Payers In Kedah[Download]
Yaty Sulaiman, Maria Abdul Rahman, Nik Kamariah Nik Mat

Minimal Quasi- -Absorbent In -Groupoid-Lattice[Download]
Benaki Lairenjam, Yengkhom Satyendra Singh

IOT Based Classroom Automation Using Zigbee[Download]
Rathy G. A, Sivasankar P

Employing Blockchain In Internet Of Things: A Comparative Analysis[Download]
Priyanka Dongre, Dr. Pushpneel Verma

The Study Of Motivation In Energy Conservation Participation: Case Study Of Sheet Metal Forming Factory[Download]
Thararat Pingkham, Thakrit Panklib

Electrical Properties And Scaling Behavior Of Ago Thin Films[Download]
Rawia Abdelgani Elobaid,Nafisa Bader Eldeen, Aldesogi Omer Hamed, Ali Sulaiman Mohamed, Bashir Elhaj Ahmed, Sawsan Ahmed Elhouri Ahmed

Iot Based Crop Field Monitoring And Irrigation Automation System[Download]
Erastus Ogunti

How To Attract And Retain Customers? A Case Of Pak Tam Cafe[Download]
Yaty Sulaiman, Nik Kamariah Nik Mat, Selvan Perumal, Maria Abdul Rahman

Geochemical Analysis Of Mount Pandan Geothermal Area In East Java Indonesia[Download]
Wenti M. Maubana, Sukir Maryanto, Ahmad Nadir

Kidney Disease Classification Based On Using Machine Learning Using Digital Image Processing[Download]
L.Vishnuvarthini, Dr. S.Malarkhodi

Emergence And Evolution Of Dimensions Impacting The Ecological Responsibility Of Consumer[Download]
Lamia. Boukaya, Oumaima.Riad,Sahar.Saoud,

The Legal Protection of The Consumer from Drug Adulteration [Download]
Dr. Raqiya Abdul Jabbar Ali

Study Of Distributed RLCG Network System For Ramp Input [Download]
Jitendra Sange, Brijendra Mishra, Vikas Maheshwari,

A Linear Wide Band Voltage Control Oscillator Based On Negative Resistance Active Device[Download]
Adeoti Temidayo, Okereke Caroline.

Wireless Industrial Parameter Monitoring and Controlling using Raspberry pi 3[Download]
Prof. Aniket Kharat, MS. Sayali Ingale , MS. Sonali Godase, MS. Swapnali Sargar

A vehicle License Plate Detection And Recognition Using Raspberry Pi[Download]
Snehlataolekar, ShitalJadhav, AlakaBajbalkar, ajinkyaman