Volume 7 - Issue 11
Skeleton: The Fundamental Structure Of Body Of Civil Engineering[Download]
Pritam Bakshi, Arghya Biswas, Kushal Nandi, Suprodip Mandal, Dr. Dhananjoy Saha & Dr. Dhrubo Jyoti Sen
Pharmaceutical standardization of Kantakari Avaleha and Kantakari Avaleha granules[Download]
U.R.S.R.K.Senarathna, Swapnil Chaudhari, Bishwajyoti Patgiri
Planning for Developments in Automation and the Changing Skills of the Workforce[Download]
Matthew Linden, Ravindra Thamma and E. Daniel Kirby
Relativistic Treatment Of D-Dimensional Klein-Gordon Equation With Yukawa Potential [Download]
Joseph e. Ntibi , ephraim p.inyang , etido p.inyang and eddy s. William
Any L- State Solutions Of The Schrödinger Equation Interacting With Class Of Yukawa - Eckart Potentials[Download]
E. P. Inyang, j. E. Ntibi, e. P. Inyang, e. S. William and c. C. Ekechukwu
Evaluation Of Bacteriological Quality And Safety Of Food And Water Samples Sold By Vendors In Imo State University, Owerri, Nigeria[Download]
Charles Obiukwu, Kelechi Dike, Pauline Nnagbo
2D Blood Trajectory Analysis Using Image Processing and Projectile Theory[Download]
Nishtha Vyas, Anand Kumar Tripathi, Anupam Vyas
Modelling & Optimisation of Crew Module-Service Module Umbilical Separation System[Download]
Chandan Saxena, Lala Surya Prakash, Dilip V and Radhakrishnan M
Defining The Optimal Number Of Knots In B-Spline Using Sturges Rule[Download]
IGNM Jaya and Neneng Sunengsih
A Review: Chitosan as Natural Versatile Material for Biomedical and Diseases Treatment[Download]
Hitesh Kumar Dewangan
Interaction between children of the autism spectrum and a humanoid robot modulated by levels of consciousness[Download]
The abstract concepts and SPHERO[Download]
Correlations of Zooplankton Population with Some Physico-chemical Parameters of Chandani Dam, Maharashtra (India).[Download]
Khaire B. S.
Survey of Force/Torque Sensor for Industrial Robotic Arm[Download]
Yash Gujarati, Ravindra Thamma
Negative Impacts of Traditional Gold Picking on Soil and Water Quality in Mandiana in the Republic of Guinea[Download]
Ansoumane Traore, Yacouba Camara, Sonty Mara, Mamoudou Dioiubate and Sara Baïlo Diallo
Diagnosis of Breast Cancer from Mammographic Image using Artificial Neural Networks[Download]
Benaki Lairenjam and Yengkhom Satyendra Singh
Demand of Electricity Consumption in Central Java For A Better Future Living Life ; An Forecasting[Download]
Safira Fegi Nisrina, Muhamad Haddin, Imam Much Ibnu Subroto, and Arief Marwanto
A Survey on Hyperspectral Image compression techniques for Satellite Images[Download]
Mrs. S Nithya, Dr. Thangadurai.N
Training Needs Assessment Of Functional Staff At Central Lombok Region[Download]
Mukmin Suryatni, Ida Ayu Putri Suprapt, Mahyuddin Nasir
Study Of Bimetallic Sheets Through Deep Drawing[Download]
Dr.R.Uday Kumar
Method Of Cryptography By Applying Laplace Transform To Tangent Trigonometric Function[Download]
Smt. Jagtap G. S.
Assessment Of Nutritional Composition Of Azanza Garckeana (Goron Tula) Seed In Gombe, Nigeria[Download]
Ezekiel T. Williams, Simon Ambrose and Nachana’a Timothy
Immunology of Rohu Grown in Biofloc[Download]
Anand Prasad Paturi, Shivanadamurthy H., Ravindrakumar Reddy, D., Ganapathy Niak, M., Gangadhara Gowda, Manasa Swapna, K.R
Characterization of Collet Lock for Umbilical System[Download]
Hemendra Kumar Dhurandher, Vaibhavahire, Muthukumar S, Dilip V, Sathis Kumar B And Krishnanandan V
Environmental Awareness Questionnaire For Students: Construction And Validation[Download]
Dr.Harjeet Kaur Sra
The Detection of Solar Array Failures with Guided Thermal Image Filter[Download]
Ismail1, Yondri-Surfa , Yefriadi , Firdaus and Kamarul Hawari
Dealing With Uncertainties During Pandemic And Lockdown[Download]
Varagani Beulah Vennela, Sr. Boyapati Velangini Kumari
Assessing Eco-Efficiency in Production of Polymer Packaging[Download]
Ms. Surbhi Chitkara, Dr. Sushma Goel
Change in Physicochemical Characteristics of Sunflower, Groundnut and Cottonseed Oils used in Frying Doughnut and Tamiya[Download]
Sara Y. A. Younis, Atif A. A.Yassin, Ahlam A. Hussein, and Eman O. Basheer
Calculation of Excitation Function of Nuclear Data and Reaction Cross-Section for Silicon Isotopes Induced by Alpha[Download]
Suraj Aliyu, Aminu Kalip And Shamsuddeen Abdullahi
Allelopathic Potentials of Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) Extract on Weeds and Performance of Maize (Zea mays L.) in Sudan Savanna.[Download]
Maigwaram U. M., A. Lado and M.S.Garko