Volume 8 - Issue 1
Innovative Development Of Clusters And Technoparks As A Form Of Implementing Investment Economy Model[Download]
Savchuk O., Liubchych A. & Klimova G.
Augmentation Of The Aesthetic Appearance And Quality Of Plantation Timber Veneers Through Dyeing Technology[Download]
Sujatha.D., Mamatha B S & Uday.D.N
Recycling Of Beverages Tetra Pack Wastes Into Value Added Composites[Download]
Sujatha.D, Mamatha B.S, Uday D N, Prakash V, Kiran M.C and Varada Raju K.C
Properties of light weight engineered wood composite made using foaming chemical [Download]
B.S. Mamatha, Sujatha.D, Uday D. N, Prakash V, Kiran M.C
The Impact of Technology on Migration [Download]
Maryam Adli, Amama Saleem, Tamima Saleem, Hawa Adli,
Study On The Effects Of A Medicated Oil In The Management Of Chronic Wounds[Download]
G. Sritharan , S. Anpuchelvy
Digital Marketing Channels: A Breakthrough Of Promoting Tourism Industry In The Kingdom Of Bahrain[Download]
Andres Alegre Regondola
Extraction and Characterization of Sodium Alginates Extracted from Sargassum muticum and Turbinaria conoides[Download]
Dina A Mohamed, Amal A Hassan, Manar T Ibrahim and Marwa M Helmy
A solution for the volumetric flow rate increasing of a rotating volumetric pump[Download]
Thermal Sensing Change Detection for Baghdad City, The Period (2000-2017)[Download]
Yasser F. Sabri, Alaa S. Mahdi
Bioinformatics Analysis of B. abortus strain 2308 protein.[Download]
Rajan Keshri, Harpreet Kaur, Dhanashri R Patil, Nilesh N. Sonawane
Controllability For Thermal Conductivity Equation With Non-Classical Boundary Conditions[Download]
Huseynova Aygun Nazim kizi, Azerbaijan, Baku
Not Of Standard Quality Drugs:: A Case Study On Identification, Dissolution Test And Assay Failures[Download]
G. Praveen Kumar, A. Ravi Shankar and M. Aruna
α_Ng-Irresolute Function In Nano Topological Spaces[Download]
J. Arul Jesti, P. Suganya
SDN and its potency: exploration assortment and eventuality[Download]
Saroj Singh, Dr. Kamlesh Sharma
Automated Plastic Collector (Autoplastor) with an Improvised Pyrolysis System as an Innovative Solution to Free-Plastic Waste towards a Greener School Environment[Download]
Mohamad T. Simpal, Lady Gwyneth T. Aguinaldo, Arjey B. Mangakoy, Egie E. Gepilano, Louise Dianne E. Gepilano
Comparison between Orphans and Non orphans on the dimension of Resilience[Download]
Ridhima Duggal, Pooja Wadhawan
Comparative Analysis Of Dollars Exchange Rate Against Yuan In USA - China Trade War Period[Download]
Ni Kadek Ria Puspayanti, Ni Putu Wiwin Setyari
Solving Generalized Assignment Problem with the Differential Evolutionary Algorithm[Download]
Ziqiao Yu, Xiaoxia Zhang
The Influence of Using Audio-Visual Media on Learning Outcomes of 2012 SKJ Gymnastics on Body Flexibility and Balance[Download]
Suharti, Ismawandi BP, Wawan Gunawan
Quantum Cryptography[Download]
Pranav Mendiratta
Impact of Body Image Satisfaction on Emotional Intelligence Among Primary School Children[Download]
Dr. Basavaraj M. Wali
Evidence for a 3-stage Model for the Process of Free-hand Forgery of Signatures and/or Handwriting[Download]
Pàvlos Kipouràs
Emotional Engagement in Fashion Design: Way towards Eliminating Discrimination[Download]
Hridika Nusrat Kuntala, Suprabha Sultana and Sadia Rabby
Impact of Study Habits on Academic Performance of Adolescents[Download]
Meenakshi Bhagat, Pooja Wadhawan
A Review Paper on Load-Deflection Behaviour of Kenaf Fibre Reinforced Concrete Beam and Slab[Download]
Solahuddin B. A.
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on nursing education[Download]
Nithya.N, Dr.Selvanayaki.V
Urbanization and New Tasks in Architecture[Download]
Petro Sankov , Ruslan Papirnyk, Yuliia Balashova, Viktor Demianenko, Kateryna Davydenko
Analysis The Influence Of Amount Domestic Production, Exchange Rate And Price On Rubber Export Value In Indonesia, 2015 - 2019[Download]
Kadek Litania Widyantari, Nyoman Djinar Setiawina
On Contra (τ*-G , G) – Open Maps in Topological Space[Download]
Maysaa Zaki Salman, Dunya Mohamed Hameed
Positioning Analysis Of Sekotong West Lombok Regency As A Tourist Destination[Download]
Hesti Eka Novianti, Akhmad Saufi, Dwi Putra Buana Sakti
Analysis Of The Positioning Of Sade Traditional Village In Terms Of Sustainable Tourism So That It Can Be Used As A Unesco World Cultural Heritage[Download]
Ferdian Elmansyah, Akhmad Saufi, Baiq Handayani Rinuastuti
The Influence Of Prophetic Leadership On Counter-Productive Work Behavior And Organization Climate As Mediator In Islamic Boarding School Of Nurul Hakim, Kediri, West Lombok[Download]
Mujahid Akhmad, Hermanto, Akhmad Saufi
Influence of gender and socioeconomic status on the motivation towards learning in children of early childhood education[Download]
Jana Blanco Fernandez
Communication and Operational Competencies Needed for Effective Instructional Delivery in Senior Secondary School Business Classes [Download]
Dr. S. A. Igboke, Augustina Chinweoke Anyigor-Ogah
An Overview of Processing Instruction and Traditional Instruction: Reexamining their Relevance in Second and Foreign Language Teaching and Learning. [Download]
A Comparative study of the Emotional Intelligence of B.Ed. Teacher Trainees [Download]
Dr. Suman Chhabra