Volume 8 - Issue 11**
Cytotoxic Evaluation Of Antivir-H And IMB Herbal Supplements Used For Management Of Covid 19[Download]
Amos Lewa Mwavita, Athuman Nyae Chiguzo
Interaction in an Augmented Reality Environment Using Reinforcement Learning[Download]
Sung-Jun Lee and Sang-Young Cho
Performance Evaluation Of Six-Phase Power Transmission Line With Limited Right-Of-Way[Download]
Ekpa Andikan and Eko Akpama
Neuro-Fuzzy Energy Management Strategy (NFEMS) in DC Micro-Grids multiple sources (PV/SSE)[Download]
Alphousseyni Ndiaye and Bigue Ngom
The Effect of Torque and Drag on the Drill String in Vertical and Directional Wells by Using Drilling Simulator[Download]
Mohamed Sobhi Ibrahim Elsayed, Taher El-Sebaay Taher El-Fakharany, Samir Khaled
Concept of E-Learning In Higher Education With Special Reference To Noida And Delhi.[Download]
M.Baba Fakroddin
An overview of National Income in India[Download]
Review of Surge Overvoltage and Protection[Download]
Mr.Balwinder Kumar
A Compact Tri-Band Bandpass Filter using Right and Left Handed Transmission Line[Download]
Ummer Rashid Dar, Dr.T. Shanmuganantham
Analysis of Human age Prediction with Multi-Linear PCA[Download]
S.Kavitha, T.Chakrapani, K.Sudhakar
Physico-Chemical Characterisation Of Electroplating Industrial Effluent[Download]
Megha Thakur, Rupinder Sharma, Sudha Rani and Rajeev Sharma
Determinants of Faculty Members Job Satisfaction[Download]
Dr. Allan A. Lalosa, Dr. Alirose A. Lalosa and Prof. Verna A. Amboy
Revision Of Video Based Soppy Examination Using CNN[Download]
Siddhant Vasantrao Wadmare
Contemporary Leadership Pattern of Three Tertiary School Administrators in Jolo[Download]
By Grace A. Akalal
Quality of Life in Major Depressive Disorder and Bipolar Disorder during euthymia: association with neuropsychological performance[Download]
Asst. Prof Aziz Mehmet Gokbakan, Asst. Prof. Haydeh Faraji
Halal Tourism Branding By Departement of West Nusa Tenggara Island[Download]
I Nyoman Bujana, Made Sukana, Nararya Narrotama,
Motivation of Millennial Tourists to Visit Dreamland Beach, Pecatu, Bali[Download]
Yunas Arno Yudistira, Nararya Narrotama
Phytochemical Screening, Partial Characterization And Antioxidant Activity Of Water Lily (Nympheae Alba) Bulb, From Uba Local Government Area, Borno State, Nigeria,[Download]
I. H. Shalli, M. E. Khan and I. Toma
The Effect Of Spirituality In The Workplace On Contra Productive Work Behavior With Job Satisfaction As A Mediation Variable[Download]
Indah Riva Santri, Thatok Asmony, Siti Nurmayanti
Analysis Of Good Governance Practice On Village Units Cooperative[Download]
Muliyadi, Titiek Herwanti, Budi Santoso
The Effect Of Leadership And Teamwork On Performance Of Employees Through Organizational Commitments As Intervening Variables[Download]
Sulmiati, Mukmin Suryatni, Hermanto
Defense Strategy Design with Defense Resource Constraint in Cyber-physical Smart-grid based on Game Theory[Download]
Xue-Jing Ma
The Integration Of Information And Communication Technology Facilities On Students` Learning And Training In Sierra Leone: A Case Study : Eastern Technical University (ETU-SL)[Download]
Ahmed Tejan Jalloh
An Innovative method to Predict the chronic Diabetic condition with Mrityu Bhaga and Gandanta Degrees[Download]
D.V.Lakshmi, Dr Kamalakar Sharma Sagi
Print Autism Resources for Indian Public Libraries[Download]
Mrs.Medha Mangurkar, Dr.Subhash Chavan
Land Cover, Land Surface Temperature and Geomorphology Structure at Tulehu Geothermal Area, Ambon, Indonesia[Download]
Salman Hamja Siombone, Jufri, Wiyono, and M. U. Syaid Maba
A Review of The Role of Artificial Neural Networks in Optimizing Laser-Processed Materials[Download]
Ikhlas Jabbar Lafta, M.S. Salim, Naseer Sabri
Kinetic Studies Of Pyrolysis Of Pine Fruit With Reaction First Orde Model[Download]
Setiyadi, Suratno
Structural and functional elucidation of novel FAB inhibitors: A NMR, Molecular Dynamics, MM/PBSA and Biological Activity Study[Download]
Mutyala Veera Venkata Vara Prasad , Venkata Suryanarayana Ch, Vadde Veeranna, Radha HR1 and Sai Subrahmanya Praveen Kumar Darsi
Kidnapping of School Children in North Western Nigeria: Interrogating the Social Implications.[Download]
Ilugbami, J.O and Saka - Olokungboye Nurudeen
Application Of Numerical Simulation To Analyze And Evaluate Reaction of Combustion Inside Boiler Of Thermal Power Plant[Download]
Huong Nguyen Viet, Dung Le Duc and Thang Nguyen Tien
Innovative Classroom Management Strategies And Students Academic Performance In Public Senior Secondary School In Ikwerre Education Zone Of River State[Download]
Nwonkwo, Smart Onyemauche, Uriri chika
Design Network Topology of Air Handling Unit Control System Based-on Programming Logic Controller and Human Machine Interface[Download]
Yaddarabullah, Dewi Lestari and Erneza Dewi Krishnasari
Impact of Green HRM Practices on Employees opinion and Curricula Vita in Selected Steel Industries of Chhattisgarh using Neuro-Fuzzy Model for Sustaining Green Human Resource Management[Download]
Chitra Nand, Dr. Archana Agrawal
Investigation on Green Human Resource Management Practices using Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic for Sustainable Industrial Development with Reference to Public and Private Steel Industry[Download]
Chitra Nand, Dr. Archana Agrawal
Development of ANFIS-FMM Model for time evaluation of work activities under Green HRM Practices on Employees Sustainability for Productivity and Work Culture in Steel Industries of Chhattisgarh[Download]
Chitra Nand, Dr. Archana Agrawal
Rooting Response of Herbaceous Perennial Cuttings to Foliar Applications of a Novel Indole-3-butyric Acid Liquid Product[Download]
W. Garrett Owen
Image Compression Technique based on Fractional Compression using Neural Networks[Download]
Dr Mohitkumar, P Bhadla
Fuzzy Logic Based Data Analysis on Usefulness of Reverse Performance Appraisal in 21st Century[Download]
Neha Agrawal, Dr. Archana Agrawal
Reverse Performance Appraisal Method for Employees Productivity and Performance using soft-computing Techniques[Download]
Neha Agrawal, Dr. Archana Agrawal