Volume 8 - Issue 3**
Development and validity of an instrument to measure the motivational profile in the first cycle of Early Childhood Education[Download]
Jana Blanco Fernández
Effect of Streams on Managing Technology Oriented Tools in Education System[Download]
Professor Arvind N Chaudhari, Dr. Pallavi Malpani-Yeolekar
The Effect of Gama Ray on Optical Energy Band Gab and Electrical Conductivity of Zinc Oxide (ZnO) Nonmaterials Thin Film[Download]
Nafisa Bader Eldeen, Abdelnabi Ali Elamin, Rawia .Abdelgani, Amel Abdallah Ahmed Elfaki, Amna Al Ata Ahmed Salih
A Study on the Impact of Rural Tourism on the Economic Sustainable Development of Host Communities[Download]
Ms.Divya George, MS. Misheal Tomy,
FTIR, FT-Raman spectra, DFT Calculations, NLO and Electronic Properties of 2,4-dimethoxyacetophenone[Download]
S. Jeyavijayan, Palani Murugan
Utkarsh, Sujeet Kumar Gupta, Vinay Kumar Sharma, S. Jerald Nirmal Kumar
A Descriptive Study to Assess the Level of Anxiety among Patients with Myocardial Infarction[Download]
Dr.V.Selvanayaki, Mrs. Santhipriya. A
Studying the Effect of the Oil Type, Viscosity Index, and Oil Additives on the Lubrication Performance of SI Engine[Download]
Jasem Al-Hassan, Yousef Alhouli
Examination of reverse logistics practices in SMEs[Download]
Abderrazak Ahmed Laghouag, Abou Alkassim Mohamed Hassaneen and Alhussain Ali Sahli
Structural and planning rehabilitation of urban riverside areas[Download]
Vadim Vadimov, Yevheniia Samoilenko
Security and Authentication for IoT Devices[Download]
Nagamanjularani C S, Prasad K
Recent Development in concrete by replacing phosphogypsum partially[Download]
Aarti Patil, Supriya Nalawade, Navnath Khadake
Experimental Investigation Of Mechanical And Tribological Properties On Self-Lubricating Copper Hybrid Composites[Download]
G.Sreenu, S.Kiran Kumar
Sick Building Syndrome: The Causes, Management and Effect on Residential Properties Rental Values in Osun, Nigeria[Download]
Ankeli Ikpeme Anthony, Adeleke Moses Adegbile, Saheed Jelili, Adepoju Adetoye Sulaiman and Adie Joy Seun
Elimination of Attributes in Chronic Kidney Disease using Basis in Nano Topology[Download]
P.Padmavathi, Dr.R.Nithyakala
Simultaneous Method Development And Validation Of Mefenemic Acid And Camylofin Dihydrochloride In Tablet Dosage Form By Uv Spectrophotometric Method[Download]
Renjitha J R , Jisha M S, Emin Jose
Edge Detection using Enhanced Laplacian Operator on Diabetic affected Eyes[Download]
Er. Gurpreet Kaur, Er. Komal, Prof. (Dr) Gurpreet Singh
Forging A Scalable Spectral-Clustering Multi-Agent Hybrid Deep Learning Model To Predict Rainfall Runoff In Nigeria[Download]
Arnold Adimabua Ojugo, Obinna Nwankwo
Synthesis and properties of UF/pMDI hybrid resin for better water resistance properties of interior plywood.[Download]
S.C.Sahoo, Amitava Sil , Riya Tudu Solanki
Preparation, Characterization, Effect of Solvents on Electronic Absorption Spectra and Antimicrobial Activity of Some Arginine Complexes[Download]
Fatimah A. Abdulsayid, Hamad M. Adress Hasan, Afaf M. Shuoaib, Younis A. Bader
Analysis Of The Influence Of Price, USD Exchange Rate, And Inflation On The Export Value Of Indonesian Coffee Commodities In 2014-2019[Download]
Fadillah Guntur Febrianto, Nyoman Djinar Setiawina
Framework of parallel healthcare system using SHA algorithm[Download]
A. Dhivya Bharathi, S. Hari Priya, S. Naveen Kumar, Mrs. W. Mercy,
Comparative Study of Root and Light Stemming Algorithms for Arabic Document Categorisation based on Similarity Measures[Download]
Mohamed Idris and Ali Ahmed
Physiological and biochemical changes in grains of wheat under stress condition[Download]
Mamta Rathore, H.G. Prakash and Ashish Srivastava.
Classification of Computer Systems and Network Compromises Through Machine Learning Detection Frameworks[Download]
Arnold Adimabua Ojugo, Obinna Nwankwo
The Milk Contamination And The Training Of Handlers About The Hygienic Handling Of Milk[Download]
Mirghani Elnager Ahmed Ibrahim, Mohammed Ismail Humaida, Ahmed Subahi Ahmed Kassar
Combustion, Emission, and Performance Characteristics of Compression Ignition Engine Fueled with Waste Animal Fats Biodiesel – A Review[Download]
Edwin Cheruiyot, Freddie Inambao, Omojola Awogbemi, Abdulfattah Yusuf
A Kinetic Investigation of Oxidative Degradation of Indigocarmine dye by Chloramine-T in Presence of Mn(II) catalyst in Acidic Buffer Medium[Download]
R. T. Radhika, Ravi J.D.Saldanha, B. M. Venkatesha
Review on the Status of Disposal Practices of Unused and Expired Medicines in India[Download]
Rashmi Zalpuri, Rakhi Singh, Laxmi Rawat, J.K Sharma
Analysis of The Effect of Inflation, GDP, and Exchange rate on Indonesian Textiles and Textile Products Exports to Japan[Download]
Ayu Sridepi Butarbutar, Anak Agung Bagus Putu Widanta
AL^*and A〖L_2〗^*-Pairwise Paracompactness in Bitopological Spaces[Download]
S.Umamaheswari, M.Saraswathi
An Extended TODIM Approach to Spherical Fuzzy Decision-making[Download]
Zichang Huang, Xiaoqiang Zhou, Runhu Wang, Yameng Deng and Wu Li
Indonesian Cloves Export Analysis[Download]
Sania Nadarista, Ni Putu Wiwin Setyari
A Novel Application Of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Modified With Solid Phase Synthesized Peptide[Download]
Archana Shaji
Teachers’ Self-Assessment of their Online Teaching Readiness and Attitude[Download]
Nimfa G. Dimaculangan, Christian P. San Luis, Christine Gay C. Gabitanan
Augmentation of the Samples size for the Household Budget Survey[Download]
Liljana BOÇI, Alma KONDI
Economic And Easy Diy Safety KIT[Download]
Yukta Chauhan,
Application of Artificial Intelligence against COVID-19 Pandemic: A systematic review[Download]
Toshaniwali Bhargav,Toran Verma
Effectiveness of Foot Care Nursing among the Old age people with Diabetic Foot in Chinna Seeragapadi, Salem.[Download]
Dr.S.Lakshmi Prabha
Modeling And Optimization Of Engine Parameters On Diesel Engine Fueled From Waste Cooking Oil Biodiesel Blend Doped With Hybrid Nano Particles[Download]
Hilton Maverengo, Freddie l. Inambao
Embedded Based Smart Healthcare Monitoring Using IoT[Download]
L. Malathi, R. Pavithra, M. Ramya, S. Sandhiya, V. Varsha
Effect of Annealing Temperature on Morphology and Optical properties of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles[Download]
Amrut S. Lanje
VLSI Implementation of Noise Cancellation using Adaptive Filters[Download]
L. Malathi, P. Gowtham, N.K. Ajay Vignesh, B. Barathkumar
Impact of Soft Computing on Software Reliability: A Survey of the Literature[Download]
Barka Ndahi , Opeyemi Abisoye, Sulaimon Bashir, Hamzat Aliyu
Interactive Fuzzy Quadratic Programming[Download]
Manoj Kumar Mandal, Arun Prasad Burnwal , B.K. Mahtha, Abhishek Kumar
Satire Warganet on The Instagram Account Infia Fact[Download]
Hadi Rumadi1, Syafrial, Ridho Rianda Saputra
Effect of Data Warehousing and Data Mining techniques in E-Governance[Download]
B.Tulasi Kumari, Dr.D.Rajeswara Rao
Correlational Analysis of Climate and Job Satisfaction in a Public Entity of the State of Tlaxcala[Download]
Juan Cuapio-Tecuapacho, José Luis Moreno-Rivera, Ma. Elizabeth Montiel-Huerta, Alejandra Torres López, Kathy Laura Vargas-Matamoros
Application Of The DMAIC Methodology To Reduce Variability In A Printing Process[Download]
Fernando Lima-Rodríguez, Crisanto Tenopala-Hernández, Alejandra Torres-López, Ma. Elizabeth Montiel-Huerta, Kathy Laura Vargas-Matamoros
Impact of Oil Pipeline Vandalization on Land Value in Jesse Community of Delta State, Nigeria.[Download]
Iheanacho, Munachi Sylvanus, Ekenta, Chukwuemeka
The Effect Of Organizational Commitment On Individual Readiness For Change At Bumigora University[Download]
M. Ahyar Putra, Thatok Asmony, Siti Nurmayanti
The Effect Of Shopping Lifestyle And Fashion Involvement On The Impulse Buying Behavior Of High-Income Community In Mataram[Download]
M. Yulian Maryadi, Dwi Putra Buana Sakti, Handry Sudiartha Athar
The Influence Of Social Economic Factors On Economic Growth And Poverty In District / City In Bali Province[Download]
I Made Cahya Muliadinata, Ida Bagus Putu Purbadharmaja
Magnetic Properties of MgZnxTixFe2-2xO4 System synthesized by Solid-State Reaction Method[Download]
S.V. Kshirsagar, C. M. Kale, P. R. Maheshmalkar, S.J. Shukla, K. M. Jadhav
Decision Support System using Business Intelligence in Spatial Data Analysis[Download]
D.Gandhimathi, Dr.A.John Sanjeev Kumar
Scope and Importance of Sanitizer Which Affect the Agriculture in This Covid-19 Pandemic Situation[Download]
Mamta Rathore,H.G.Prakash and Manoj Katiyar