Volume 8 - Issue 5**
A Hybridized Analytic Model for the Formation of Student Groups[Download]
David Enebeli , David Ademola Oyemade
Perception of Teacher Trainees on the use of Cuisenaire Rod in Learning Fractions[Download]
Eric Erzuah, Dennis Offei Kwakye, Joseph Awinyam Issah, Jude Anab Ayipala, Samuel Redeemer Adornyo, Gabina Susuoroka, Atar Alphaa Mohammed
Study of various issues of Coal mining sector in our Environment[Download]
Suresh Chandra Dansena, Dr Chhabi Ram Matawale
Evaluation of parental perception and acceptance of silver diammine fluoride staining; a questionnaire based study.[Download]
Dr. Seema Thakur, Dr. Meera Sojan, Dr. Parul singhal, Dr. Deepak Chauhan
Assessment Of Nutritional Composition Of Citrus Sinensis (Sweet Orange) Seed In Madagali Admawa Nigeria[Download]
Ezekiel Tagwi. Williams, Kwada Yunusa Wayas and Nachana’a Timothy
Study of the Dynamics Of Cotton Production In Banikoara A Commune Based On An Econometric Model.[Download]
Mechanical and Dynamci Mechanical Behaviour of Novel Glass-Natural Fibre Intra-Ply Wovan Polyester Compites[Download]
Sayyed Mohammad, Faizan Masroor Ali
Effectiveness of Nursing Care Bundle on Prevention of Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection(CAUTI) among Patients with Indwelling Catheter at Selected Hospitals, Salem[Download]
Mr.Mani.V.C, Prof. Mrs. N. Anitha
Ichthyofaunal Diversity and Conservation Perspective of Some Selected Wetlands in Nagzira – Navegaon (NN) Corridor, Gondia District of Maharashtra State, India[Download]
Mahendra Bhojram Raut, Chintaman J. Khune, Laxman P. Nagpurkar
Slow-fast dynamics of the Hindmarsh-Rose model with threshold policy control under slow-varying periodic exactions[Download]
Yawei Ge, Shaomin Chen
Growth Control of Five Floriculture Species Using Paclobutrazol Liner Root Soaks[Download]
Josh B. Henry, Ingram McCall, and Brian E. Whipker
Experimental Investigation Of Hydraulic Performance Of Automobile Disc Brakes[Download]
Saransh Upadhyaya, Vipin
Green Mobility In India: The Journey So Far, And The Road Ahead[Download]
Yash Agarwal, Vibhor Bhagat, Dr. Qasim Murtaza
The Scheduling Tools and Methods in Construction Industry: An Overview[Download]
Jameer Mulani
Evaluation Of Sensory And Nutritionally Evaluated Mix Grain Flour With Moringa And Beetroot Fortified Products[Download]
Archana Kumari, Manoj Mishra, Khalil Khan, R.P.Vyas, H.G.Prakash and Mamta Rathore
Studying the effect of Al2O3 nanoparticles in the heat exchanger effectiveness used in marine diesel engine[Download]
Bader Kalandar
The Effect Of Job Demands, Job Resources, And Personal Resources On Work Engagement (Study At Personnel Of West Nusa Tenggara Regional Police Traffic Directorate)[Download]
Muhammad, Mukmin Suryatni, Siti Nurmayanti
The Effect of Foreign Investment, Energy Consumption Pattern, and Gross Domestic Product Growth on Air Pollution in Indonesia[Download]
AA Ary Anila Kusuma Wardani, I Gusti Bagus Indrajaya
A Study On Factors Influencing Motor Insurance In India[Download]
Babagana Ali, Danladi Bashir Hadejia and Rajender S. Godara
Relationship Between Principles of Modern Education and Islamic Education[Download]
Samiul Sk, Dr. Kausik Chatterjee
A Brief Review of Micro Services and SAAS with Multi-Tenancy[Download]
Dr. Shruti Makarand Kanade
The Predictive Significance of P16INK4A, Ki-67 and Ck7 Expressions in The Progression to SCC of the Cervix[Download]
Ekundina Victor Olukayode, Oladele Abraham Ayowole, Nwachukwu Elizabeth Obichukwu, Ogazi MacDonald, and Sanya Joseph Olurotimi
Production, Formulation, Proximate Composition and Sensorial Attributes of Complementary Food from Pearl Millet (Pennisetum glaucum), African Yam Beam (Sphenostylis stenocarpa Hoechst ex. A. Rich) and Tiger Nut (Cyperus esculentus)[Download]
Olapade, A.A;٭Obomeghei, A.A; Ebabhamiegbebho, P.A
Studying the effect of drag reducing agents (DRA) in the cooling pump performance used in marine diesel engine.[Download]
Salah Albuloushi
Air Entrained Self Compacting Concrete for Extreme Cold Region of Ladakh-A Report[Download]
Arghadeep Dasgupta
Large Eddy Simulation of Nanofluid Turbulent Heat Transfer in a Rectangular Channel have grooves[Download]
Ali Sulieman, Amir Sultan, Younes Najim
Nanoparticles: Properties, Applications And Toxicities[Download]
Aakanksha Arvind Patil
Periodic System Of Isotopes[Download]
A.S. Magula
A Semantic Study On Nine Pillars Of Digital India For A Digitally Empowered Society And Knowledge Economy : Progress , Ranking And Initiatives[Download]
Ashish Kumar, Dr.Nityasundar Nanda, Dr. Shatrajit Goswami
Computer Vision based Plant Disease Detection with Automated Site Specific Application of Pesticides[Download]
Pratyusha Kangutkar, Rudra Tarte, Nagarjuna Vatti and Nitin Sakhare
Design and implementation of pond and river water cleaning robot system[Download]
Mr.Kadam Rohit Jagannath., Mr.Palase Amit Gajanan., Mr.Lokhande Mahesh Manohar., Mr.Gore Akshay Rajkumar., Mr.Shelar Prathmesh Prakash., Mr.Kambale Samish N.
Three Impossible Visions[Download]
Denes Joo
Chaotic Pattern Of The Dynamic Dual (DD) Cosmic Evolutionary Big Cycle.[Download]
Denes Joo
Vertex Neighborhood Signed Graphs[Download]
Dr. Gavirangaiah K
My Strange Vision in 6th August 2010: sedna's impact at Sedona[Download]
Dénes Joó,
Study Of Dimensional Analysis And Hydraulic Similitude[Download]
Syed Ubair Mustaqeem, Syed Uzair Mustaqeem
Impact Of Covid-19 In The Lives Of Migrant Workers, Daily Wagers And Other Labourers In Pathanamthitta[Download]
Bilin Baby Elizabethu, Alan Eapen Philip & Rajalakshmi E R
Dominant Factors in Student's Residence Preference[Download]
Aditia Rahma Putra , Retno Widjajanti
The Effect Of Hotel Occupancy Rates, Tourist Visits, And Length Of Stay Of Tourists On Labor Absorption And Local Revenue Of Regency / City In Bali Province[Download]
Ni Komang Triana Agustini, Putu Ayu Pramitha Purwanti
Digital Transformation of Healthcare: A Blockchain study[Download]
Saijshree Srivastava, Surya Vikram Singh, Rudrendra Bhadur Singh, Himanshu Kumar Shukla
A study on the current scenario of internet marketing among MSME (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) sector of India followed by suggestions and recommendations for effective adoption of internet marketing among MSMEs of India[Download]
Dr. Anil kumar kottani
A review on Virtual lab : A simulator for Physical lab[Download]
Praveen Kumar Chakravarti, Meenakshi Pradhan, Naina Choudhary, Nikhil Kumar Mishra, Saurabh Arya and Jigyasa Sharma
Cyber Security Awareness Campaign Lacking In Rural And Urban Area Of India: A Review[Download]
Rishesh Kumar Gupta, Abhishek Dewangan
Accurate model to predict the diameters of Single Wall Carbon Nanotubes by Using Support Vector Regression[Download]
Wen-de Cheng, Jia-wei Zhang
The Influence of Spending Hours of Work, Education, and Number of Family Dependents on the Income of Women Traders in the Sukawati Art Market[Download]
Ni Komang Ayu Yuniari, I Gusti Wayan Murjana Yasa
The Effect Of Network And Standardization Issue On The Use Of Digital Payment In Denpasar, Badung, Gianyar Areas[Download]
Angga Dwikayana, I Wayan Sukadana
Identification of Suitable Dam Site Location and Reservoir Characteristics; A Case Study of Nanyuki River in the Upper Ewaso N’giro Basin[Download]
Abdinasir A. Ali, Prof. Ezekiel Nyangeri Nyanchaga, Prof. Francis N. Gichuki
The Effect of Export Value, Exchange Rate, and Inflation on Indonesia s Foreign Exchange Reserves[Download]
Ruben Maranata Hamonangan Simamora, Anak Agung Bagus Putu Widanta
Determination Analysis Of Factors Affecting The Export Of Indonesian Tea[Download]
Gede Deny Wardana, Putu Desy Apriliani
Morphological Characterization Of Leaf And Flower Traits Of The Plumeria Species In Kanyakumari District, Tamil Nadu, India[Download]
Rejitha. S, Uma Devi. S, Johnsi Christobel. G
Photovoltaic power optimization based on artificial intelligence method[Download]
El Hadji Mbaye Ndiaye, Alphousseyni Ndiaye, Mactar Faye
Effect of Different Solution Treatment Temperatures on the Microstructures of Ti-6Al-4V Alloy[Download]
Ayad O. Abdalla, Astuty Amrin, Abdalfattah A. Khalil, Farag I Haider, Mohamed A Gebril and M. S Aldlemey
Physical And Proximate Compositions of Selected Milk Products in Abuja and Keffi Metropolis, Nigeria[Download]
Madu P.C., Shuaibu B.S., Isah, J., Ubana M.A, Okpara U.M.
The Influence Of Leadership Style, Work Motivation, And Organizational Commitment On Service Quality Of Employees At One Roof System Office Of Tanjung North Lombok[Download]
Rosyia Wardani
The Influence Of Organizational Climate And Job Demands On Role Stress And Burnout At Criminal Detective Directorate Of West Nusa Tenggara Region Police[Download]
Putu Wiwik Asnawati, Mukmin Suryatni, Siti Nurmayanti
Youth Perceptions Of The Development Of Halal Tourism Villages Based On Local Wisdom In Kuta Village, Pujut District, Central Lombok Regency[Download]
Herman Jayadi, Akhmad Saufi, Dwi Putra Buana Sakti
The Effect Of Self Efficacy, Training Effectiveness And Supervisor Support On Motivation To Transfer And Transfer Of Training (Study At Sharia NTB LTD)[Download]
Gian Gumilar, Thatok Asmony, Siti Nurmayanti
The Effect Of Organizational Support And Work-Life Balance On Organizational Commitments Of Policewoman With Job Satisfaction As A Mediator Variable In West Nusa Tenggara Regional Police[Download]
Pratiwi Nofiani, Siti Nurmayanti, Surati
A study on Indoor air pollution in USIC working place using Arduino Uno with smart sensors[Download]
Mr.P.Rajkumar, Mr. B.Vijay Bhaskar
Wastewater treatment using banana pith powder[Download]
Upadhyay shreya Rajendra, Asha Rani. N. R
Solution of Boussinesq’s Equation for Infiltration Phenomenon in Horizontal Direction by Differential Transform Method[Download]
Krisha Shah, Amit K Parikh
The Effect of Interest Rate and Rupiah Exchange Rate on Economic Growth and Indonesian Export Value[Download]
Arditha Wahyu Waskita Raisaba, Ida Bagus Putu Purbadharmaja
Phytochemical Screening of Hybanthus enneaspermus (Linn) F. Muell.[Download]
Beaula Stary TC, Uma Devi S, Johnsi Cristobel G and Beena Lawrence
Analysis The Offers of Indonesian Coffee Export "Gravity Model"[Download]
Alfin Salami, Ni Putu Wiwin Setyari
Enhancement of Ornamental Pepper Ripening with Ethephon Sprays or Drenches[Download]
Josh B. Henry, Ingram McCall, and Brian E. Whipker