Volume 8 - Issue 7**

A review on Green Tea over the Several Methods of Extraction, Isolation, Estimation, Characteristics, And Antioxidant Properties of Catechins and Caffeine.[Download]
Mohit Saini, Ramesh Bodla

Assessment of Water Quality on the Basis of Water Quality Index for Taraba State Water Supply Agency’s Sources: A Case Study of Jalingo Metropolis[Download]
S. Munta, K. U. Unamba, E. A. Medjor and E. S. Nwajagu

Influence Of Local Structural Factors On The Hydraulic Productivity Of Bores In The Fractured Cristalline Zone : Case Of The Mbam And Lékié Region – Cameroon[Download]
Tabue Youmbi Jean Ghislain, Ntep François., Feumba Roger, Ngamy Aurelie, Madi Boukar, Ngos II Simon, et Ngounou Ngatcha

A Comprehensive Review On Health Benefits Of Green Tea[Download]
Rahul, Ramesh Bodla

A review on synthesis and antimicrobial activity of Schiff bases[Download]
Sourabh kumar, Dr. Himangini Bansal

Isolation And Identification Of Bioactive Compounds From Ground Beetles (Carabidae) Used As Traditional Medicine In Hausa Community[Download]
Muhammad S, Yahaya N, Haassan A., Sakina A. A.

Prevalence of Medication Errors by Nurses at the Tertiary Level Hospital in Bangladesh.[Download]
Md. Tajul Islam (RN,. MSN), Mosammat Beauty Begum (RN,.MSN) , Ripa Khatun (RN,. MPH)

Epidemiological Aspects And Risk Factors For Gastroesophagian Reflux Disease (GERD) In Kimpese (DRC)[Download]
Bomba Di Masuangi Emmanuel, Lelo Espoir, Nkondi Nsenga Jacqueline, Babakazo Pelagie

Contamination of the waters of the bays (Azito, Banco and Marcory) of the Ebrié lagoon by parabens.[Download]
KOUAKOU Kouamé, ETCHIAN Assoi Olivier, SEKA Yapoga Jean, KPIDI Yapo Habib and YAPO Ossey Benard

Influence of faecal sludge dump site in the fertility of soils in Nomayos, Central Region, Cameroon[Download]
Tsama Njitat Valerie, Tabue Youmbi Jean Ghislain, Ntep François, Fonkou Théophile, Ambang Zachée

Garbha Vikruti – Fetal Defects – An Ayurveda View[Download]
Dr. Deveshwari Raut, Dr. Akashdeep Meshram, Dr Swapnil CR

A Preliminary Assessment of Mushere People’s Perceptions of the Dulu Forest: Implications for Conservation.[Download]
PAM, Grace, ZEITLYN, David, GOSLER, Andrew

Machine Learning based Soil Fertility Prediction[Download]

Experimental Evaluation of Finding Optimum Process Parameters for Aluminium Filled PLA Material using Locally Assembled Fused Filament Fabrication Printer[Download]
Solaman B. Selvaraj, Renish G. Reny and Madhumitha

Coronavirus In Botswana Construction Industry: Exploring Who Is Liable For The Delay And Loss Attributable To Covid-19.[Download]
Mabel Hilda Madzivire, Victor Mwanyumeka and Tapiwa Bishi

Effect of Copper on Physical Properties of Water in Mud Container on Lunar Eclipse Day[Download]
Itagi Ravi Kumar and Sreya Nandy

The Effect of Economic Growth, Foreign Investment, and Human Development Index on Poverty in Indonesia[Download]
Sonia Ista Iswari Landapa, Ida Bagus Putu Purbadharmaja

Some Classes of Operators on Weighted Bergman Spaces[Download]
Zakieldeen Aboabuda Mohamed Alhassn Ali , Abdel Radi Abdel Rahman Abdel GadirAbdel Rahman , Abdelgadir Ahmed Hamdan Omer and Reem Hussain Ibrahim Hassan

Entrepreneurship Practice and the Health Status of Farmers in Jos, Nigeria[Download]
Atayi Abraham Vincent, Awoyemi Bosede Olanike

COVID-19 Pandemic, The Acceleration Towards Education 4.0 Era, Is Indonesia Ready?[Download]
Dini Handayani, Achmad Hufad, Sunardi Sunardi, Endang Rochyadi

Hydro Chemical Status of Groundwater in Ajmer District[Download]
Kishan Gopal Jhanwar, Rajeev Mehta, Preeti Mehta

Comparison of CMOS and DTMOS BGR using different current mirror circuits[Download]
Komal , Dr. Neelam Rup Prakash

Dimensionless analysis of spray characteristic of diesel and bio diesels for various injection pressures[Download]
Arumugam Sozhipillai, Gokul R2, Raghu P, Arvinth A.S, Lokeshwaran A

Forensic Depiction on Death due to Ligature Strangulation[Download]
Akber EB, Mahmud S , Jahan I

Experimental Analysis Of Cocoanut Shell Ash Additive For Improving The Properties Of Refractory Brick[Download]
Chima, O. M.

Ethnoveterinary Plants Used in the Treatment of Cattle Intestinal Worms in the Nimar Region (M.P.)[Download]
Parashar Preeti and D. A. Dhale

An Analysis of the Impact of COVID-19 on the Construction Industry of Botswana[Download]
Victor Mwanyumeka, Mabel Hilda Madzivire, Olebogeng Mokgware

A Study On Legal Issues Arising On E-Contract[Download]

Determination Of The Levels Of Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon In Surface Water And Sediment From Okpoka Creek In Trans Amadi Niger Delta, Nigeria[Download]
Minimah, Ibinye Promise, Ekweozor, I.K.E., Onwuteaka, J.N., Ebere N. and Iheanacho, Kizito, M.E.

Concentration of Some Organochlorine Pesticides Residues in Water and S. Melanotheron from Okpoka Creek and Their Risk Assessment.[Download]
Minimah, Ibinye Promise, Ekweozor, I.K.E., Onwuteaka, J.N. and Ebere N.

The Impact Of Strengthening Community Health Services On Malaria Cases That Receives Prompt And Effective Treatment In Migori And Kwale Counties[Download]
Athuman Nyae Chiguzo , Helen Lydiah Kutima , Evan Murimi Mathenge , Charles Mwaniki Mbogo

Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation Technique based Diode Clamped Multilevel Inverter for Induction Motor Drive[Download]
Banda Sai Kishore, Kasoju Bharath Kumar, Cheguri Venkatesham and Bandi Pratish

An Algorithmic Approach to Integer Linear Programming[Download]
Anil Kashyap, Subhashish Biswas, Rajoo

Analysis of Factors Affecting Mens Participation to be Acceptors of Family Planning in Denpasar City[Download]
Ni Luh Gede Juni Sugianti , I Ketut Sudibia

Investigation of Effect of Microsecond Pulse on Viability of Lung Cancer Cell Line[Download]
Gyanendra Kumar1, Ramanujam Sarathi2 and Archana Sharma3

Marketing Strategy Of Khazanah Ramadhan Events In Promoting West Nusa Tenggara Province As A Halal Tourism Destination[Download]
Andrian Wijanarko, Lalu Suparman, Handry Sudiartha Athar

The Effect Of Spirituality In The Workplace, Leadership, Non Physical Work Environment, And Organizational Climate On Turnover Intention (Study On Banking Employees In Mataram)[Download]
Dwi Aji Suryawan, Mukmin Suryatni, Siti Nurmayanti

Effect Of Profitability On Company Value With Capital Structure As A Mediator Variable Of Pharmaceutical Sector Companies Listed In Indonesia Stock Exchange[Download]
Eko Esti Santoso, Hermanto, Ni Ketut Surasni

The Effect Of Leadership, Work Engagement, And Organizational Climate On Organizational Commitment (Study on Pokja Members of KB Villages in Lombok Island)[Download]
Lalu Agustan Kusumaredi, Thatok Asmony, Siti Nurmayanti

The Effect Of Price Perception And Trust On Online Purchase Decisions At Shopee During The Pandemic Of Covid 2019[Download]
Munawir Hadi, Dwi Putra Buana Sakti, Handry Sudiartha Athar

A Review Paper on Cloud Computing[Download]
Karan Gulia, Sunil Kumar Maakar

The Effect Of Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease Of Use, And Trust On Repurchase Intention On E-Commerce Shopee[Download]
Rafa Sayyidatul Wafiyyah, Ni Made Wulandari Kusumadewi

Predictors of Subjective Well Being among Community Residing Elders in Ethiopian Sample[Download]
Girum Tareke Zewude, Derib Gosim Bereded

The Effect Of Foreign Debt, Export Value, And Dollar Exchange Rate On Indonesias Foreign Exchange Reserve[Download]
I Dewa Ayu Verani Trisnayanti, Ni Putu Martini Dewi

Analysis of Different Features for Alzheimer’s detection using Support Vector Machine and K-Nearest Neighbor[Download]
Dulumani Das, Sanjib Kr. Kalita

Aggression of State Level Men Kho-Kho and Kabaddi Players – A Comparative Study[Download]
Dr. Sanjay R. Choudhari

Study of the torque impact on the Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator voltages output for a vertical axis tidal turbine[Download]
Télesphore Randriamaitso1, *, Ruffin Manasina2, F. Philibert Andriniriniaimalaza2 and Jean Marie Razafimahenina1

Lansoprazole: A Brief Review of Chemistry, Pharmacology, Clinical Efficacy, and Safety[Download]
Dahiya Aman and Garg Minakshi

Colors Denomination In An Illiterate Environment[Download]
KEI Mathias, SEA Souhan Monhuet Yves

Experimentation of Adaptive LBP on Vascular Pattern Biometric in Automated Teller Machine Security System[Download]
Ismaila Folasade. M, Ismaila W. Oladimeji , Olajide Anthony T